Over-sharer’s – Not So – Anonymous…

Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Pinterest. Tumblr. Flickr. WordPress. Blogger. I’ve done it all.

Except YouTube…I haven’t ventured into the home video realm…yet!

When it comes to social media, I am more of a sharer than a reader. Don’t get me wrong, I scroll through my newsfeeds on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but for me the joy is in sharing. Maybe not so joyous for you lately…but then again, you are reading my blog. 😉

I admit, I can be a bit ranty. Sometimes sound bitchy or ungrateful. And we all know I love to express my undying love for the newborn stage (insert heavy sarcasm). But it’s all real. No hiding behind the perfect photos of the perfect family. No pretending I have my act together when some day I barely know my own name. For me, it’s all just who I am.

Typos and grammatical errors due to sleep deprivation included.

Lately, I feel like all my post have been a bit on the downer side. Woe is me with the newborn baby that is kicking my ass – I swear I had more energy when I did this four years ago. Sometimes I get so caught up in sharing the hellish moment of endless infant crying that I forget there are a lot of wonderful things happening in my life. For one, the Diva Princess.

See, I was so worried when we got pregnant with Newest that there would be a relentless regression from the Diva Princess. There were signs throughout the pregnancy that she was trying to revert. Things like calling us “mama” and “dada” again. But each time a regressive behavior showed itself, we tried to nip it in the bud. It seemed to be working, but only the birth of Newest would really tell.

Then Newest came along…and I waited for the shoe to drop. I figured the first week was a fluke. An overwhelming sense of joy to finally have a baby sister. Surely, “this too would pass”. Right?

It’s been a month since Newest’s arrival and I’m still waiting for the shoe that I don’t think will drop. Every day people tell me how much the Diva Princess has matured since Newest came along. From teachers to grandparents, I’ve heard endless strings of praise for her behavior and I can’t help but wonder…maybe we did something right?

So for all the over-sharing whiny post I make, this one is about the amazing (almost) four-year-old who continues to impress me every day. I may not say it enough, but I am lucky to have such a bright, intelligent, and loving little girl.



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