A New Year, A New…

A new year means it’s time for the new me, right?

Who am I kidding? The only thing changing around here are my clothes…I swear, I thought the dryer stopped shrinking them after the first few washes? Clearly, I have a magic dryer!

In all seriousness, I need to lose weight…like a four-year-old kid amount of weight. No, really! I need to lose as much as my four-year-old weighs. After Newest’s arrive back in May the struggle has been real. The problem is I like Food. And Food likes me. We have a great relationship. Our love is carefree and endless. It’s like Food just gets me, you know? I don’t have to be anyone different for Food. I don’t have to change the way I think or feel. It’s just me and Food against the world. Two peas in a pod. Partners in crime. We’re perfect together. I mean, so what if I cheat a little with his cousin, Soda? It’s not like any of us are really perfect. I will always love Food, to the moon and back.

I decided this year not to jump on the “Healthy Resolution” train. Mostly, because I hate failure…and I will fail. Let’s just go ahead and ignore the Diet Mountain Dew on my desk. But also, because I wanted to be a little more realistic about my expectations for the New Year. 2015 was an amazing year for me. We completed our family with Newest’s arrival, my debut novel was released, and I attended my first author event (just to name a few), but with the addition of all those wonderful things mean less time.

My time is kind of like that thin strip they call peanut butter between the two round Lance crackers. It’s barely existent.

So, for 2016, I decided to focus my goals around my writing. Starting with this blog. It’s been months – 6 to be exact – since my last blog. (Does that sound oddly like a Catholic confession to anyone else??? Forgive me WordPress for I have sinned, it’s been 6 months since my last post…) 6 months is insane! Where does time go? Anyway, here are my resolutions for the New Year:

  1. Blog…more than once every 6 months. Hey, baby steps here.
  2. Jump start my street crew…I’ve done a lot of talking about this, but not a lot of action. Don’t know what a street crew is? Ask me about it.
  3. And lastly, write more.

Three simple things, right? Not hard at all, if you ignore the fact that those three simple tasks will sufficiently leave me with about 4 hours of sleep per night!

So tell me, what’s your resolution(s) for 2016?

3 thoughts on “A New Year, A New…”

    1. The short and sweet about my street crew…

      I’m looking for a dozen or so individuals who are willing to help spread the good word. What does that mean? As a member, you would be instrumental in promoting my books, contest, etc. by 1) interacting with all of my social media (liking posts, sharing posts to your page, inviting friends to follow me on social media and sign up for my newsletter). Social media is a game. The more a post is interacted with, the more people the site sends out to. The end goal is exposure to people outside of my normal circles. 2) spreading the word to everyone you know personally. We all know we get some of our best book recommendations by word of mouth. and 3) writing reviews, as well as, encouraging others to write reviews. My goal is to find individuals around the country that can introduce me to new people, in new areas.

      In return for your faithful devotion, you will receive your own set of special benefits (including, but not limited to): exclusive giveaways, promotional items, advance reader copies of new releases, exclusive excerpts, advanced cover reveals, etc. The possibilities are endless.

      For anyone interested email me at leslieraybooks@gmail.com

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