Today’s Soap Box…Brought To You By The Holiday Spirit

Happy Holidays! The time of year when everyone loses their minds and has a cause they fight for. This year it seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon against retail stores being open on Thanksgiving evening.

Now, I love social media as much as the next person, but it seems more and more it’s turned into a ranty superficial crusade. People spew their opinions on whatever the trending topic is for the moment and expect the world to change. But here’s the thing…are you really doing anything other than wasting my time?

So you say, “I can’t believe stores are going to be open on Thanksgiving. It’s a time for family. Those poor retail workers.”

It’s an admirable statement. That we could all be home with our families, relaxing by the fire, with our bellies full. Christmas music playing softly in the background, as the grandkids play nicely together over a game of “Sorry”. The men gathered around the TV watching whichever NFL team is playing, while the women clean the kitchen and talk about how good so and so looked at the Macy’s Day Parade and which sales they want to hit at 3am on Black Friday.

And queue the record scratch…

Let’s just analyze this picture for a moment. Now, let’s say Uncle Billy is sitting on the couch and suddenly his chest is tight and hurts. Are you going to feel sorry for all the emergency medical staff that has to work the holiday when you rush him to the hospital? No. So, it turns out Uncle Billy went a little too heavy on the Figgy Pudding and has one upset upper GI track. You’re grateful it wasn’t a heart attack, but even more thankful for all those folks who weren’t home with their families like you seem to think everyone should be.

“But they’re medical staff and police,” you say. “That’s justifiable.”

And true, I think that it is justifiable that we still have access to vital resources, but it doesn’t change the fact that they work on the holiday. Your crusade is about people being home for the holiday, correct? So already we are discounting certain areas of service? Now, let’s say Uncle Billy doesn’t need to go to the ER, but instead continues to spend his family time in front of the boob-tube watching sports. Have you ever thought about all the people it takes to actual bring you that game?

“But they are sports stars and make millions,” you say.

Ah yes, the pro athletes are rich. Richer than I will ever know, but they aren’t the only ones involved in bringing that game into your living room. What about the guy that make $7.35 an hour to park all those fans, out in the cold, while his family is at home? Or the guy selling the way over priced beer, while he makes half the cost of one drink in an hour.

“But I’m not at the game,” you say. “I didn’t make him direct me through traffic or pour me a beer.”

No, you didn’t. But did you ever think of the crew that is working at your local TV station to make sure the game is broadcast to all its viewers? Did you remember to say thanks for them while you were blessing your food in the comfort of your home, surrounded by your family, while they work so that you can all veg out in front of the TV later? Same goes for anything on tv that day. Be it the Macy’s Day Parade (we all watch it), the news, the weather, the commercials, all of it. Someone has to make sure those things still operate.

And what about the gas you needed on the way over to Uncle Billy’s house because you forgot to stop yesterday. Or the Duke Energy worker who is missing out on a warm meal because someone clipped a pole after drinking too much Egg Nog, and he is trying to make sure you aren’t missing the game, because heaven knows, we couldn’t have that.

So let’s say you don’t watch TV, you don’t care if you have power, and you don’t need any emergency medical attention. But…oh yes, there is always a but. But you are going to make sure you are in line for the latest, greatest, “must have” going on sale at midnight, because God knows you won’t go to any store that is open prior to midnight on Thanksgiving night.

Again, it’s an admirable thought. But come on, do you really think those workers showed up at midnight, ready to work? No, they have been there for hours. Nor, do you feel bad that the store that normally closes at 10pm is forcing their workers to work all night just so you can save a few dollars.

So what’s the difference between 5pm and midnight?

Maybe it’s that deep down you feel guilty that those folks are forced to be up all hours of the night so that you can fight lines and complain about every living soul around you. Or maybe it’s that you don’t want to be behind on the times, “Everyone else is saying stores shouldn’t open, so I just agree.” Or maybe you genuinely believe stores shouldn’t open. Whatever the reason, you have joined the social crusade. And good for you. You’ve chosen a cause, and you’re willing to fight for it.

Then fight for it.

90% of the people who will shop on Black Friday are women. For years it has been known that Walmart has “mistreated” their employees, especially women. If you want to fight for your crusade, then fight. Never step foot in a Walmart again. NEVER. Or any other store that you think is unjustly making their employees work. Don’t turn around and show up at 2am because technically it’s no longer Thanksgiving. Guess what, those same employees that had to be there for the 5pm sale are still on shift. It’s still the same day for them, and you are still giving your money to the “big box” chain. You are still driving local merchants into the ground. Still supporting the mistreatment of employees. And still feeding the beast.

All I ask is if you are going to join a cause, not matter what that cause it, fight for it. Don’t half live for a superficial social media trend just to make yourself feel better.

On the other hand, we assume that all employees who have the day off are paid. It’s a paid holiday, right? Wrong. Not everyone gets paid holidays. Most retailers don’t give their employees paid holidays. And a large population of people who work in big box retails need every penny they can get. So before you go feeling sorry for everyone, maybe they need that money. Maybe that one day of pay is the difference between having the lights on and not. Maybe it’s the difference between Little Johnny getting a Christmas present or not. The world is full of different circumstance. Don’t assume everyone has the same circumstance as you.

And lastly, can we please remember what Christmas is really about (hint: it’s not presents)?

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